Thursday, March 3, 2011

What would YOU do for a klondike bar :-)

ILL tell you what I would do...

I would steal some Klondike bars :)

Then i would have even more Klondike bars and i wouldn't have to tell you people what i would have to do for another Klondike bars. And Klondike bars are in spell check... FTW

This weeks update is more of a thread then a update

Tell me what you guys would do for a Klondike bar.

And it'll be pretty lame if only one person comments so tell all your friends to follow my blog and comment because I'm looking forward to some funny stories


  1. I would run around school screaming "I WANT A KLONDIKE BAR! I NEEEED A KLONDIKE BAR!!"

    Buuuuut I'd probably do that anyways so.....

  2. I would trade my bowl of pho ga for a delicious Klondike bar
